Information Frame of A3 Red
In stock
841 KZT
Product code: 4056
Framework is made of plastic of red color. For convenient placement of information with various maintenance of a discount, service, data on goods, the sizes, photos, etc. in the A3 format within from a side part are a cut through which the leaf is easily inserted.
The frame can be established easily to a wall or to other various surface by a usual bilateral adhesive tape, and it is possible and to attach by means of different holders and clips on the equipment.
The 3D Design project, Measurement of the room, Delivery, Installation – it is FREE.
Delivery to any region of Kazakhstan.
Information is up-to-date: 12.12.2024
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Unbelievable price on Information Frame of A3 Red in Almaty (Kazakhstan) company IDIA Market, TOO.