Furniture for kindergartens and schools in Almaty online-store IDIA Market, TOO | Buy Furniture for kindergartens and schools Almaty (Kazakhstan) inexpensively | IDIA Market, TOO : Allbiz
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IDIA Market, TOO
+7 (701) 266-77-00

Furniture for kindergartens and schools

Internal angular trade rack of 1006
In stock 
Product code: 1006 The angular rack is used for creation of a uniform row where turns in the floor space are necessary. The angular rack is necessary in a chain of racks for creation of fused transition from one wall on another in trading floors, and also creates completeness in system of ranks...
Group: Shelves for crafts
17256 KZT
Island basic trade rack of 1009
In stock | Wholesale and retail 
Product code: 1009 The basic rack the beginning of a row of racks, is a basis of all chain of racks as consists of two sets of racks. At an island rack of the shelf are located from two parties, the client will have free access to goods on both sides that provides smaller expense for the area, but...
Group: Shelves for toys
24686 KZT


Unbelievable price on Furniture for kindergartens and schools in Almaty (Kazakhstan) company IDIA Market, TOO. Wide choice of quality products at affordable prices.